Yeah that's right! We've moved to a whole new location and a great place. Come on. Go there now! It's a blog in my website that I create just for this purpose. Enjoy the new place!
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Blog Promotion
Number 1 : Comment on other peoples' blogs. This way, more people get to know to about your blog. And the chances of them visiting your blog increase. Great, quick and dirty way to get traffic to your site.
Number 2: Submit your blog to blog directories like
BlogTopList. Who knows, some lucky guy might find your blog in there!
And that's all.
Powered by ScribeFire.
Monday, November 5, 2007
Why I simply LOVE Firefox!
I'm serious. Firefox is a damn good piece o software and the best browser there will be for a long time! It's so good that it captured the hearts of huge numbers of netizens, like me and, hopefully, you(!). I've gathered several reasons as to why I like the fox
First of all, it's got a HUGE amount of extras that you can use to pimp your browser. For example, there's thousands of themes that can spice up the browser. And, there are hundreds of useful extensions and add-ons that add more functionality to the browser. My personal favorite is PDF Download. Match that with Internet Explorer!
Secondly, Firefox has improved security. Internet Explorer has been on the stage too long and hackers and that type of people have exploited its many loop holes too often and too much.People are sick of IE (except for the die-hard fans.
Okay I admit that Firefox has some security issues too, but bug fixes are regularly provided, unlike IE. This helps keep Firefox on the top of the 'safe' list!Firefox has(it was there from the beginning) this cool new feature called 'tabbed browsing'. It's like multiple windows in one window, and it's cool. Tabbed browsing certainly saves a
lot of time. Internet Explorer did not have tabbed browsing. It was only introduced in IE 7.0. How late is that!Another great thing about Firefox is that recently two new versions of it have been released. One is the Firefox Campus Edition, with every thing that a student needs. It has this totally cool note taker and researcher called Zotero and a music player which finds free streaming songs on the web and brings them right to your browser! How cool is that?! Get it!
The other version is specially for those who use Ebay a lot. You're always logged in to your EBay account so you can get the best bids. And, you're securely logged in too. So no risk there. Get it!I've saved the best for last. Firefox has this totally cool feature which lets you read and configure your RSS subscriptions. RSS has become a necessity in today's net experience. After all who has the time to search for something when you can have it sent to you?
So watcha waiting for? Go get your free copy of Firefox now!
Why I simply LOVE Firefox!
I'm serious. Firefox is a damn good piece o software and the best browser there will be for a long time! It's so good that it captured the hearts of huge numbers of netizens, like me and, hopefully, you(!). I've gathered several reasons as to why I like the fox
First of all, it's got a HUGE amount of extras that you can use to pimp your browser. For example, there's thousands of themes that can spice up the browser. And, there are hundreds of useful extensions and add-ons that add more functionality to the browser. My personal favorite is PDF Download. Match that with Internet Explorer!
Secondly, Firefox has improved security. Internet Explorer has been on the stage too long and hackers and that type of people have exploited its many loop holes too often and too much.People are sick of IE (except for the die-hard fans.
Okay I admit that Firefox has some security issues too, but bug fixes are regularly provided, unlike IE. This helps keep Firefox on the top of the 'safe' list!Firefox has(it was there from the beginning) this cool new feature called 'tabbed browsing'. It's like multiple windows in one window, and it's cool. Tabbed browsing certainly saves a
lot of time. Internet Explorer did not have tabbed browsing. It was only introduced in IE 7.0. How late is that!Another great thing about Firefox is that recently two new versions of it have been released. One is the Firefox Campus Edition, with every thing that a student needs. It has this totally cool note taker and researcher called Zotero and a music player which finds free streaming songs on the web and brings them right to your browser! How cool is that?! Get it!
The other version is specially for those who use Ebay a lot. You're always logged in to your EBay account so you can get the best bids. And, you're securely logged in too. So no risk there. Get it!I've saved the best for last. Firefox has this totally cool feature which lets you read and configure your RSS subscriptions. RSS has become a necessity in today's net experience. After all who has the time to search for something when you can have it sent to you?
So watcha waiting for? Go get your free copy of Firefox now!
I'm back with a bang!
Yo fellas! I'm back with a BANG! I was gone for a coupla months as you know. Studies and Olevels and all that crap...
But now I'm back with a whole lotta ideas of what to write on this blog and you can expect some smashing articles! In fact,I'm just about to write one now!
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
The Posts are gonna decrease now...
I know, you enjoyed almost 3 posts per day, without much thought about the troubles that I had to go through, just to bring those posts to you! Man, it did take time writing all that!
Well now my school's starting soon. TOMORROW, as a matter of fact and I will have to lessen the amount of work that I do on the site and this blog. So, now you cannot expect or DEMAND more than a few posts from me.
What's a few? Maybe one? Maybe even none?? . No no. I won't go that much extreme. Maybe a post on a weekend or an extra one on a holiday (we do get unexpected holidays here in Pakistan, and with the political situation here in a perilous position, I think we're in for some glorious holidays! Yay!).
Well, that's it! I'll still be writing articles for the site(though not as regularly), so keep chekin' on that too!
See ya!
Friday, August 3, 2007
Monetizing your Website
There are several ways of earning money from your website, off the Internet. You could display PPC(Pay per Click) ads on your site and whenever some one clicks them, you get paid! The payment can vary dramatically. You can get 5 cents or 5 dollars for a single click. One such program is Text Link Ads, which allows you to display ads on your website. They have a huge collection of products you can choose to promote on your website.
Then there is Google Adsense, which is probably the largest PPC network in the web-o-sphere. They also have a PPA program, which has many choices to choose from. And best of all, they do not have very strict requirements that sites have to confirm to. They accept almost about anyone. Good for beginners!
Then you could also display PPM(Pay per thousand) ads on your website. With this type, you get paid whenever there are a thousand page impressions of your pages. The payment here can vary too, but in general it is low.
Then there are PPA(Pay per Action) ads. These are relatively new on the stage. They work like this: you refer(through your website) someone to the advertiser's product page. If that visitor does a pre-defined action on the advertiser's site (such as buy a product, sign up for services, etc), you get paid. These type of ads are usually difficult to convert but they usually are high paying.>
You might also have heard the term Affiliate Programs. These are programs you can join. You then promote the advertiser's product on your page and refer the visitor to the advertiser. The visitor(hopefully) then buys something from the advertiser and you get a commission from the total earning of the advertiser(from that single sale). These are similar to PPA ads.
So, which programs do I recommend?
Firstly, there is Google Adsense, which is simply GREAT for beginners! They do not have strict site requirements(like links, Page Pank, etc)and they accept almost everyone! They have a PPC program and a PPA program Their PPC ads are highly targeted and match your page's content almost always. Their PPA or referral program has many products you can choose from. Again, perfect for beginners!
Then there is Text Link Ads. This too is good. It too has a lot of products that you can choose from. But your site has to pass some requirements to enter their program. Read about the requirements on their site. They have an easy to understand interface and as I said, lot's of products to choose from to promote.
Text Link Ads
Finally added a tutorial on StatCounter!
See? I don't renege on my promises. I had promised you guys of a tutorial on using StatCounter and there it is, on my Site! Here's the link. EasyHTMLTutorials Webmaster Resources.
But its not compete yet. I yet have to add a tutorial on actually using it. Sorry! . This tutorial was on registering and setting up a counter. It takes TIME to build these. You gotta wait, you see.
Keep checking the blog and the website for updates on this one!
Technorati : Statcounter Tutorial : web site stats
Thursday, August 2, 2007
StatCounter Tutorial coming soon!!
Hey there you guys! Most of you must have signed up for the stats services I told you about in the last post. I bet almost all of you have had problems in getting the stats thingy to work on your site. Worry no more, 'cuz, a tutorial on how to use them is coming your way soon! It takes time, preparing it, you know!
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Analyzing your Website with website statistics
Analyzing your website is very important thing that you should often do. You should check where your visitors come from and for how long they stay. And that which pages are popular with them and what the bounce rate
is. This and other things will provide you with a deep insight of what your visitors actually want and what they are seeing
There are a number of tools which can help you do so. One is Google Analytics. This is probably one of the best website analysis tools there are. It provides graphical data of the number of visitors, pinpoints them on a map, tells you the sources of traffic and the visit length of visitors.It also tells you about the computer specifications of your visitors. In short, it provides the most complete information that you'll need. And given the fact that it's FREE (yay!), we give it a 5/5. Try it out!
One more tool is StatCounter. It has two versions, a free one and a Paid one. There are lots of features in the free version, with the main drawback being that you can only record the details of your last 500 visitors. That limit can be increased by upgrading, though. StatCounter also provides lots of data, including visit sources, visit lengths, and lots more.
Then there is SiteMeter, which also offers a free version. It provides a lot of data, including the details of all(I think it's all) visitors. You can view in a world map the locations your visitors came from and their computer specifications.
There are many other website stat tools out there, we just briefly reviewed several of the best.
Blogged with Flock
Thinking of creating a blog?
So you are thinking of starting a blog, either for your website or for yourself? Read these guidelines before doing so:
- Do you have a specific niche or topic in mind?
It's just like a website. You need to find a niche for your blog.You have to have an idea of what you're going to write. It must be about something you know very well. Suppose you love dogs. You could create a blog about dogs. You could add information about what they eat, or the different breeds of them or even addresses of local pet stores. Don't start with something you do not know about. Chances are that you'll not be able to do it and you'll disappear quietly out of the blogosphere.
- Promote it.
Just like a website. You have to promote your blog. Other wise no one will find it. And then it's no use having a blog about which no one knows, no matter how good it may be. Participate in other relevant blogs and forums include your blog's address in your posts. They will come, believe me, they will come. Also, you can submit your blog to the many social bookmarking sites like Technorati, Digg, Stumble Upon and These were just a few. You can find multitudes of them on the web. Search for them and submit. These have lots of visitors and your blog will certainly get a lot of exposure!
- Update it.
You have to update a blog often. Don't blog if you do not plan to update it often. You see, no one likes to visit an outdated blog. You don't want that to happen to your blog, do ya? Therefore, update your blog often. The more updates the better, but please don't post rubbishly stupid things! Post something useful. If you cannot find something useful to write about, visit one of the several popular social bookmarking sites such as Technorati, Digg, Stumble Upon and These were just a few. You can find multitudes of them on the web
- Don't expect miracles from your blog.
At least in the early days(maybe even months) of your blog. We all have heard stories about bloggers being successful and getting loads of traffic and making money at the same time. Believe me, this takes time. This took them time also, lots of time. More than 95% of these successful bloggers already have a successful website which they link to their blog. Only a few started a blog from scratch and got successful. So, remember, it takes time and effort. Don't blog if you plan to devote only 1 hour a day to it. You've got to work on it, build up its reputation, attract enough visitors and then can you think about taking a rest.
Hope that got in your mind and you understood it!
Technorati : blog tips, create a blog
Monday, July 30, 2007
CSS? Go for it!
Seriously, CSS can make your website look beautiful and at the same time be more usable and a good expereince for your visitors.
CSS will save you lots of time too! Just think: how great would it be if you just had to change ONE thing in a CSS file and ALL, and I mean ALL the fonts on your website would be formatted as you wish, without you having to individually change EVERY page? Cool isn't it?
Learn it, you won't regret it!
Want to create a website like My Space? Get a Life! Really.
So, you wanna copy, eh? That site where people can create profiles for themselves and invite friends and upload photos and the like? Certainly cool and who wouldn't want to make a site like this one? Take a look at these stats about MySpace:
MySpace has around 75+million registered users with around 240,000 new registrations everyday.- It is generating almost 30 billion monthly page views (that’s around 10,600 page views per second).
- Each user generates an outstanding amount of pageviews everyday.
Yea yea I know, MySpace generates a lot of money through ads(think of the pageviews and users it has!). But copying it would be very very difficult. You see, MySpace is a established and settled leader in its niche. It would be very difficult for a newcomer to start up a new website like MySpace and then try to challenge and topple over MySpace. Hey there listen! Even if you succeed in this seemingly mammoth task, chances are that you'll fail. Nobody will ever come to your website, let alone signup,(unless you have millions of dollars to spend in advertising). Read on and you'll see what I'm saying.
With all those registrations and page views, there has to be a whole lot, and I mean a lot and terabytes of bandwith. Now no regular $6.95/month host can possibly provide this much to you. You need to have a completely dedicated server for this, which is made just for the job. This means investing cash into these servers.
Next in the list of requirements are the multitude of programmers(PHP,ASP,etc) you need. MySpace was not built by one man, it was the collective effort of many programmers, who set up the signup process, the pages and more. And, mind you, these programmers do not come cheap! And, there's no ready made "MySpace creator" software available which will create a MySpace like site for you!
I knew you would ask that question! Hmmm,what should you do then? The answer: build a website on something you love. Yes, build a website on something you love and enjoy doing. Suppose you like origami. You could create a website about origami and about the different types and some examples on how to make paper toys and planes, etc. This way you will enjoy what you do, and you'll have a lot of content to offer to your visitors! And you could also place ads on your site so that you can earn money!
Start by thinking about your interests. What are they? Fishing? Singing? Food? Then make a website centered around your interest and include lots of information on it. It will be easy, because you know (almost) everything there is to it!
If you are still adamant on making a MySpace like website, go ahead. Remember, it will take a lot of time and effort. Do not come complaining to me then that you went broke or you simply could not do it.
Remember, you don't have to do it to make money. You can make a website on something you know and make enough money for a comfortable living.
SE Rank Poor?
Yeah, is your google, or any other search engine rank poor? Maybe because of several reasons.
Do you have enough content on your website? A personal website or any website having only 1-10 pages has little chance of getting a good rank. You've got to have 15+ pages to increase your chances of a better ranking. And, those pages must have meaningful and useful and more importantly, relevant content. Suppose you have a website on dogs. You could write about dog food, and that would increase the number of pages in your website and your chances of a better ranking. But, if you start writing about cats(!!), it would be worthless, because it is not related to dogs in any way(However, if you have a site on pets, you can write about cats as cats are also pets).
The second thing to take into consideration is the amount of authoritative or relevant links to your site coming from good and expert websites. Google(and other search engines) will most probably ignore you if it sees that no expert websites relevant to your content are linking to you. But if it sees that an expert site has linked to you, it thinks that since an expert website has linked to you, your website must have something good in it too, and then it accepts you.
You must have heard many times about how keywords should be used on your pages. Most people use them, but they do not target them correctly. I mean to say that they do not have enough useful and relevant content to target the keywords effectively. It is true that many search engines (including Google), look for keywords in a page and relevant content targeting those keywords, but if they cannot find it, it would be useless including you in the search results. You might be there in the results, but probably deep down in the 50th or so page!
Now go and act upon the advice you read just now, and after some time(it DOES TAKE TIME!) you'll see an increase in traffic and popularity! Go!
Seomoz Page 'Strength'
A few months earlier, I came upon a Page Rank like tool called Page Strength. This is basically another of those tools which measures the strength (or credibility and popularity) of your blog or website. The parameters it measures are many, including Google's PR, ranking in the Google and Yahoo SEs and the Alexa Page Rank. It also checks the incoming links you have,that is, links from other websites, notably .edu or .gov websites(as they are more authoritative). It also checks whether your site is listed in the Open Directory and Wikipedia.

Overall, this is a fairly good and useful tool which gives you an idea of how 'strong' your page is. But you should not fully rely on it; there are many other factors to take in consideration also!
So , what's your Page Strength?
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Bringing Traffic to your Website
There is a lot of discussion on how to bring traffic to your website. I've decided to list a few of the things that I do and may benefit you too!:
- Content, content, content
I repeat, content. Content is the stuff which makes your visitors come back for more. Nobody wants to go to a website that has not been updated since ages. Think of news sites. Update your content regularly so people can get something new to read! If you do not have content, you could pick some articles up from the many free article directories. Article directories often provide you with free articles for reprint or republishing. Moreover, search engines like Google simply love new content, and this could mean better rankings for you and thus more traffic!
But do not overdo article reprinting because then the search engines will realize that it is copied content(excessively copied) and simply ignore it - Write for the visitors, not the Search Engines
Hey, listen, write for your VISITORS, not the Search Engines. I mean to say that do not overload your articles with keywords or make your article unreadable. It's no use if visitors cannot read your articles. Believe me, write for your visitors and the search engines will automatically come towards you. Don't worry... - Submit to directories
One more thing that you can do is submit your website to website directories. There are lots of them out there on the web, but only a few get much traffic. Submit to the biggest directories there are. Some examples are the Open Directory and Yahoo Directory.If you use Yahoo Directory, you can also pay to get quick admission (for around $299 a year, I think). But its worth it, keeping the awesome number of visitors to them in mind. - Well designed site layout
Another important thing is the site layout. Design your site in such a way that your visitors can use it with ease. Use simple navigational techniques(forget the flashy flash and images!) so that your visitors do not feel lost. Also use colors sensibly. Do not use dark font color on a dark background on light font color on a light background. Let it be easy on the eyes of your users! Also, use good organization for you site, and don't overdo this either, or you'll see lost visitors! - Advertise on other websites
Another way to bring traffic to your web site is to advertise on other websites. Many webmasters are keen enough to let other people advertise on their site, so you should have little problem. Alternatively, you could join Google's Adwords program or some other advertising network to show ads on other sites. Popular advertising networks include Text Link Ads and Ad Jug. There are many more out there. Google the words "advertising networks" and you'll find thousands. - Writing Articles for article directories
Earlier I said that you could take some articles from article directories fore use in your site. You could also write for these directories. What do you get in return? Massive Exposure. You must have seen the author bios at the bottom of many articles. These authors also place links to their website(s). So whenever some one reads the article, they also read about the author and the website. Chances are that they visit the website also, which means traffic for that site! Also, other sites which republish your article also have to include your bio, so that means even more exposure!
Further, search engines love some article directories. For example, Google loves Ezine Articles. So, if you have several articles at Ezine, your chances of a better Google SE ranking are good! - Get links
Try to get links from authoritative websites. If you get links from a site which has millions of visitors, you are going to get some serious traffic! Write an email to the webmaster of the site you want to get links from. Be nice and courteous: do not behave as if it's your right(!). Most probably the webmaster will agree, and if he doesn't, just pass him up as another of those selfish people and look for another one. And oh yeah, try to get links from a site that is similar to yours. For example, if you own a site on dogs, you could get links from a site on Dog foods,pet stores, etc. - Post in forums and blogs
Another great way of increasing your traffic is to post in forums related to your site. Take care of this, the forum must related to your site, otherwise it's no use!. OK where were we? Yeah, when you post helpful comments and answers to people's questions, they will consider you as an expert and will certainly visit your website. There's another traffic source!
There you go! I've posted several means through which you can get traffic to your website. GO GO!